Savings through Sustainability

GreenInsight is an extremely granular and detailed procurement carbon footprint analysis, revealing results right down to individual line item level.

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Finding out areas that have largest impact is the first step to making meaningful reductions.

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Our Services



Solves the common problems in procurement and build a comprehensive repository of ethical and environmental product data.

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cloudBuy's sourcing solutions provides monitoring of business ethics in your supply chain.

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Enables large organisations to define where the efforts on carbon reduction should be concentrated.

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Cover a very wide range from good labour practices, through environmental and sustainability across to business ethics.

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GreenInsight is an extremely granular and detailed procurement carbon footprint analysis

GreenInsight is an extremely granular and detailed procurement carbon footprint analysis

GreenInsight quickly provides the information required to either match the products that you purchase at item level, or to classify those items that could not be matched to a sufficient level of detail to calculate the carbon footprint.

This is then combined with the publicly verified information for products and industries to build up an organisations environmental impact from the bottom up.

As data improves over time, the accuracy of the analysis improves, however the baseline data is maintained so that an organisation has an accurate starting point.

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Want to know more? - Get in touch with us!

Call Co2Analysis Green Team to book a free demonstration or email us.

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